05.12.2013, 09:41 PM
Ich werde jetzt aber nicht zu meinem Professor gehen, damit der denen die gleiche Mail nochmal schreibt.
Ich hoffe, mich in meinem bescheidenen Englisch nun klar ausgedrückt zu haben.
Ich hoffe, mich in meinem bescheidenen Englisch nun klar ausgedrückt zu haben.
Zitat:Dear Ms. Briggs-Zajicek,
thank you very much for your fast reply. As we know the UAF42 is still in production, therefore we already got a datasheet. As from the year 2000 Burr Brown is also part of Texas Instruments, thats why i asked for a datasteet specificly for the BB UAF41. I already searched the web as well as the TI tech pages including the E2E community for further informations. The ICs i got here are datecode 7920, but there are no ressources for this type of filter anymore. Is the UAF42 a direct replacement for the UAF41?
Thanks in advance.
Kindly regards,
Christian W.