Experiments: Classical Fields Masquerade as Quanta
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
Entangled electric fields are used to perform three elementary experiments in quantum mechanics: Entanglement, "spooky action at a distance" and violation of Bell's or CHSH inequality. The complete success raises questions.
Comments: 6 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-02-21 14:29:28
Test of Bell/chsh
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
In the "Experiment: Classical fields masquerade as quanta", the Bell/CHSH inequality was violated with classical fields, which until then was considered an indicator for a successful QM experiment. The false positive result raises questions.In the current paper, the Bell/CHSH mathematics is tested with artificially generated classical and quantum data, respectively.
Comments: 4 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-10-11 09:20:03
DIY Computer Calculates like Quanta
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
The quantum mechanics appropriates the superposition and entanglement. However, both phenomena also work in classical physics. Following this insight, a 2 Dollar DIY computer is built that calculates the optimum of n-dimensional systems in a single microsecond step. This can be used to compute a large class of complex scientific problems. The examples show network optimization and the 3-body problem.
Comments: 8 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-10-28 14:29:48
Measurements Clear the Fog of Quantum Interference
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
There are many quantum optical experiments whose effects are supposedly not classically explainable. In this paper, the experiments of Hong-Ou-Mandel and Franson are rebuild, measured and explained with classical radio frequency waves.
Comments: 10 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-11-26 13:52:08
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
Entangled electric fields are used to perform three elementary experiments in quantum mechanics: Entanglement, "spooky action at a distance" and violation of Bell's or CHSH inequality. The complete success raises questions.
Comments: 6 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-02-21 14:29:28
Test of Bell/chsh
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
In the "Experiment: Classical fields masquerade as quanta", the Bell/CHSH inequality was violated with classical fields, which until then was considered an indicator for a successful QM experiment. The false positive result raises questions.In the current paper, the Bell/CHSH mathematics is tested with artificially generated classical and quantum data, respectively.
Comments: 4 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-10-11 09:20:03
DIY Computer Calculates like Quanta
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
The quantum mechanics appropriates the superposition and entanglement. However, both phenomena also work in classical physics. Following this insight, a 2 Dollar DIY computer is built that calculates the optimum of n-dimensional systems in a single microsecond step. This can be used to compute a large class of complex scientific problems. The examples show network optimization and the 3-body problem.
Comments: 8 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-10-28 14:29:48
Measurements Clear the Fog of Quantum Interference
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
There are many quantum optical experiments whose effects are supposedly not classically explainable. In this paper, the experiments of Hong-Ou-Mandel and Franson are rebuild, measured and explained with classical radio frequency waves.
Comments: 10 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-11-26 13:52:08