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Die Coulombsche Abstoßung ist ein Irrtum
Zitat:Hello Gerard,
at small distances, you can no longer assume that the centers of mass remain constant. The pendulum would therefore always resonate.
The same law applies with Coulomb (and there is no repulsion with Coulomb either, only attraction: https://vixra.org/abs/2410.0176 ). But with Coulomb the forces are stronger.
If you like, I can measure the different force effects of a flat and a vertically electrically charged disk on a sphere. It's a five-minute job.
Best regards

Experiment to Discover the Nature of Dark Matter, viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:2502.0133

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: Die Coulombsche Abstoßung ist ein Irrtum - von Gucki - 20.02.2025, 04:16 AM