Measurement of Picoforces from Light
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
A cheap electret microphone together with a lock-in amplifier can measure the pressure effect of light in a simple and sensitive way.
Comments: 3 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2021-10-04 10:03:57
Einstein and Pound-Rebka in the Photocoupler
Authors: Dieter Grosch, Wolfgang Sturm
Loudspeaker as gravitational field generator and photocoupler as sensor to verify Einstein's theory and Pound-Rebka's experiment at emulable gravitations up to 30g and drop towers up to 4000 kilometers high.
Comments: 5 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2022-04-20 05:11:02
Space Curvature on the Labdesk
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
Based on an idea of the Vixra author Hans van Kessel, a small modification of our experiment "Einstein and Pound-Rebka in the photocoupler" leads to the unexpected selective generation, measurement and exploration of space curvature.
Comments: 2 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2022-07-02 16:39:42
Einstein's Teleportation of Masses on the Labdesk
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
"If the theory agrees with the facts, radiation transfers inertial masses between emitting and absorbing bodies." (Einstein 1905). It works!
Comments: 3 Pages. Diagram corrected
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-03-01 18:47:54
[v2] 2023-03-07 06:02:44
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
A cheap electret microphone together with a lock-in amplifier can measure the pressure effect of light in a simple and sensitive way.
Comments: 3 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2021-10-04 10:03:57
Einstein and Pound-Rebka in the Photocoupler
Authors: Dieter Grosch, Wolfgang Sturm
Loudspeaker as gravitational field generator and photocoupler as sensor to verify Einstein's theory and Pound-Rebka's experiment at emulable gravitations up to 30g and drop towers up to 4000 kilometers high.
Comments: 5 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2022-04-20 05:11:02
Space Curvature on the Labdesk
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
Based on an idea of the Vixra author Hans van Kessel, a small modification of our experiment "Einstein and Pound-Rebka in the photocoupler" leads to the unexpected selective generation, measurement and exploration of space curvature.
Comments: 2 Pages.
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Submission history
[v1] 2022-07-02 16:39:42
Einstein's Teleportation of Masses on the Labdesk
Authors: Wolfgang Sturm
"If the theory agrees with the facts, radiation transfers inertial masses between emitting and absorbing bodies." (Einstein 1905). It works!
Comments: 3 Pages. Diagram corrected
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Submission history
[v1] 2023-03-01 18:47:54
[v2] 2023-03-07 06:02:44