18.02.2009, 10:39 PM
ein jfet mit 1200v wow
Calvin hat etwas "vergessen"
von hier:
Calvin hat etwas "vergessen"
Zitat:* Copyright: SiCED GmbH&Co.KG * **************************************************************** * Models provided by SiCED are not warranted by SiCED as * fully representing all of the specifications and operating * characteristics of the semiconductor product to which the * model relates. The model describe the characteristics of a * typical device. * In all cases, the current data sheet information for a given * device is the final design guideline and the only actual * performance garantee. * Altough models can be a useful tool in evaluating device * performance, they cannot model exact device performance under * all conditions, nor are they intended to replace bread- * boarding for final verification. SiCED reserves the right * to change models without prior notice.
von hier:
Don't worry about getting older. You're still gonna do dump stuff...only slower