23.09.2008, 01:22 PM
Festkleben tuts nun nicht mehr.
* thanks to Duncan Munro
* and kahlo (kahlo@gmx.de)
* by Rumgucker (www.sodfa.de) September 2008
* for noncommercial use ONLY
* Ia-Ua-Kennlinie festlegen
Eat at 0 VALUE = { 0.636 * ATAN(V(A,K) / 30) }
* Anodenstrom ausrechnen
Ga A K VALUE = { 1E-3 * PWRS( LIMIT( V(S,K) / 5.5 + V(G,K) * 1.7, 0 , 1E6) , 1.5) * V(at) }
Ra A K 1G
* Schirmstrom berechnen
Gs S K VALUE = { 1.518E-3 * PWRS( LIMIT( V(S,K) / 9.3 + V(G,K) * 0.95 , 0 , 1E6) , 1.5) * (1.1 - V(at)) * LIMIT( V(S,K) , 0 , 10 ) / 10 }
Rs S K 1G
* Grid current (approximation - does not model low va/vs)
Gg G K VALUE = { PWR( LIMIT( V(G,K) + 1 , 0 , 1E6) , 1.5 ) * 50E-6 }
Rg G K 1G
* Capacitances
Cg1 G K 15.2p
Cak A K 8.4p
Cg1a G A 1.1p