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Paper: Interferometrie
Indirekte Energiemessung Der Destruktiven Lichtinterferenz (Indirect Energy Measurement of Destructive Light Interference)

Authors: Wolfgang Sturm

This article is about indirect energy measurement of the destructive light interference.

Comments: 4 Pages. In German

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Submission history
[v1] 2021-08-15 20:02:29

Hidden Energy in the Destructive Interference

Authors: Wolfgang Sturm

Two simple experiments and a simulation show that energy can be hidden in invisible and immeasurable beams.

Comments: 5 Pages.

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Submission history
[v1] 2021-09-27 07:02:01

Hidden Transfer of Energy or Information

Authors: Wolfgang Sturm

In the past, I created a beam of destructive interference and proved that it absorbs energy [1]. The energy of the destructive interference is invisible and cannot be measured by any usual photoelectric, thermoelectric or photoacoustic detector [2]. Surprisingly, a rudimentary parametric oscillator is able to destroy the interference and recover the hidden energy. Thus, it is now possible to hide energy or information, transmit it in an invisible and unmeasurable beam, and extract it at any desired place.

Comments: 3 Pages.

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Submission history
[v1] 2021-11-21 02:40:20

One-Way-Light Speed Measurement

Authors: Wolfgang Sturm

A simple and cheap device is used to check whether the light propagates at the same speed in all directions. It remains to be hoped that the astonishing measurement result is based on a measurement error.

Comments: 4 Pages.

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Submission history
[v1] 2021-12-20 06:54:25

A Message from the Ether

Authors: Wolfgang Sturm

The device developed in [1] enables robust ether analysis. It can actually confirm an ether without any problems. But the ether found has a simpler cause than previously thought.

Comments: 3 Pages.

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Submission history
[v1] 2022-01-12 06:29:28

Seven Theses About Photons and the Perfect Interference

Authors: Wolfgang Sturm

By the experiments published on Vixra in the meantime, seven theses about photons resulted. These theses are listed in a table. Together with the opinion of the mainstream and references to my associated experiments. Attached is another experiment which has not been published yet.

Comments: 4 Pages.

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Submission history
[v1] 2022-02-18 11:33:29

The MM Experiment with Radio Frequencies gives Positive Results

Authors: Wolfgang Sturm

The conversion of the MM experiment (Michelson-Morley) to radio frequencies uncovers a historical construction error, which results in the null result. After its repair, the MM experiment works perfectly even with radio frequencies and achieves a positive and plausible measurement result in the simulation and in reality.

Comments: 8 Pages.

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Submission history
[v1] 2024-07-22 02:30:13