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Paper: Mechanik
On the Mechanical Dynamics of Moving Bodies

Authors: Wolfgang Sturm

Dynamic experiments with energy calculations of moving bodies can be carried out with free and widely used electronics simulation software. All you have to do is exchange electrical and mechanical variables. This disproves the statements of an SRT doubter.

Comments: 2 Pages.

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Submission history

[v1] 2024-07-08 02:40:55
The Electromechanical Rocket on the Slide

Authors: Damian MłodziankowskiWolfgang Sturm

Since Newton it is well known that inertial drives and perpe-tual motion machines are impossible (e.g. acceleration of a closed box in a field-free space). However, a large number of new proposals in the field of new drives forces us to rethink whether physical systems can be absolutely isolated. With this in mind, we present an analysis of our experiments in this direction.

Comments: 6 Pages.

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Submission history
[v1] 2023-04-01 18:24:54